Early Childhood
Looking for childcare?
There are a variety of childcare options in the town of Bloomfield.
Tips for finding the right fit:
- Consider if you are looking for a center/day care program or a school based program.
- School based preschools can be either a public school, a private school or a magnet school.
- Consider if you need or want full or partial days.
- Some preschools offer flexible schedules while other do not.
- Consider cost.
-Some preschools are tuition base, some offer financial support, some are at no cost.
-Consider timing.
-Some preschool have ongoing (rolling) admissions, some have specific entry periods.
Know you options to find the best fit for your child and your family!
Click to view Bloomfield's "Community Preschool Catalog":
*Home daycares and seasonal programs are not included in this catalog.*
More Resources:
To find more childcare options, including home daycares, you can use CT 211 (a child care resource for Connecticut families): https://www.211childcare.org/
Alliance for Bloomfield's Children
Alliance for Bloomfield's Children (allianceforbloomfieldschildren.org)