Dear Bloomfield Public Schools Staff,
As we begin the 2024-2025 school year, I am delighted to welcome you back with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism. This year, our focus will be on growth - growth in our professional practice, academic achievement, and the vibrant culture and climate that defines our district. We are also growing our own. I am especially pleased that 4 of the 5 leadership roles filled since June were current Bloomfield Talent - that’s 80% from within existing staff.
On Monday, August 26, from 8-10am, all staff will attend Convocation at Bloomfield High School. We are pausing our regular work during this time, to assemble as the Bloomfield Public Schools Community. Please touch base with your school leader for carpooling ideas. Tuesday, August 27 certified and non-certified staff will engage in a professional learning Bloomfield PD WINS Day (“What I need to Succeed”). Please reference Mrs. Lamenzo's email for registration directions.
Our facilities have undergone updates this summer, thanks to the efforts of our charged-up Facilities Team! From new paint and sidewalks to freshly striped parking lots, our schools have a fresh, inviting look. Additionally, our Technology Team has procured new computers, Chromebooks, and strengthened WiFi, ensuring our students and staff have the tools they need to thrive and stay connected. These investments are designed to better support our classrooms.
This year's focus on growth extends to every aspect of our work. Our updated Staff Handbook provides greater clarity and transparency. We will also be launching robust professional development pathways that include Trauma Informed Practices, and a revitalized educator evaluation system, guiding all of us in our quest for high achievement. Academically, we are continuing with data-driven decision-making, data teaming, auditing instructional resources and interventions, and continuing Focus Walks. These initiatives will inform all of us or our progress, and fuel the academic growth of our students.
Finally, we are dedicated to nurturing a school culture and climate that celebrates diversity, fosters inclusivity, and prioritizes the well-being of our students and staff. This year, we will be implementing a Student Attendance Toolkit to address chronic absenteeism and empower our young people to be present, engaged, and thriving.
As we embark on this journey together, we embrace the power of the word "YET." With hard work, collaboration, and a steadfast belief in our students, our ambitious growth targets can, and will, be achieved. Together, we will rise, nurturing the growth of our students, our schools, and our community.
I look forward to seeing you at Convocation on Monday, August 26, at 8am for a continental breakfast. Our program will begin at 8:30 in the auditorium. We have a special gift for each of you, and ask that you join us in a group photo at 9:30, to commemorate this new beginning.
I am honored to stand alongside you, and I cannot wait to see what we accomplish, together, in the year ahead.
Bethany Silver, PhD
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Bloomfield Public Schools

Welcome Back BPS Staff!
August 22, 2024