Thank you to everyone who participated in last weeks celebrations. It was a pleasure having our high school students along with Channel 3 News Anchor, Reporter, Alleah Red, and CT Judicial Branch. Shout out to the guest authors who also read aloud to our kiddos, Yonatan Axelrad, Theo Ostman- Sofocli, Marie Jarry, and Kenneth Oppel. We hope you enjoy the presentation.

Hello, Metacomet families!
Here's the scoop in next week's Parent Newsletter! https://5il.co/3aj9l
Mark your calendars for the Master Your Monday Workshop happening on Wednesday, March 18! https://5il.co/3930f
Registration is required. To register, visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGyeYswLXcQJhDl_M6wrBJnOyYy5LnQiXIaC9J-DkcFLQsfw/viewform.
Plus, here’s your golden chance to share points on what BPS is rocking and what could use a little TLC with our very own Superintendent, Dr. Youngberg! Review the Listening Sessions Flyer for more details. https://5il.co/3a0im
Enjoy your weekend!

Hello, parents and guardians. This is just a reminder that our Spring Picture Day is tomorrow-Friday, March 14.

Say CHEESE! Picture Day at MES is tomorrow, Friday, March 14th! To order ahead of time, visit https://order.grynnandbarrett.com/login and use Prepay Code 3A5W3P5U

Hello, Metacomet Families. I am calling to remind you that we will have an Early Release Day on Wednesday, March 12. Dismissal will be at 1:25 pm. Have a good evening.

Hello parents and guardians. I am calling to let you know that our Spring Picture Day will be on Friday, March 14, 2025. Student may dress up and do not need to pay to be out of uniform.
Thank you!

Hello, please review this week's Parent Newsletter on behalf of Mr. Guzzo! Have a great week.
Also, the Family & Community Listening Sessions are approaching. Here is a list of dates. Come share your voice! https://5il.co/3a0im

Metacomet will be hosting our fourth and last Family Literacy Night. on Thursday, March 6 from 5:30-7:00 pm. Dinner will be provided. This years' theme is: CONNECT, CREATE, CELEBRATE COMMUNITY. The book selection will be: "Marvelous Cornelius". Families will be making a hanging dove ornament.

Good evening, Metacomet Families. Metacomet students will begin our third cycle of iReady Reading and Math testing this week and next.

Metacomet will celebrate Read Across America this week. We have invited Bloomfield High School students to come read with us, a superior court judge will be reading to a Grade 4 class and a news anchor will also be reading to our students. Please see flyer that we sent home for specific dress down days this week.

Mark your calendars! Picture Day at MES is scheduled for 03/14. Visit https://order.grynnandbarrett.com/login and use Prepay Code 3A5W3P5U to order ahead of time! Order forms will also be collected on Picture Day https://5il.co/398c5

Check out next week’s newsletter on behalf of Mr. Guzzo! As always, Bloomfield provides many resources. Here are some upcoming events:
Principal Newsletter: https://5il.co/392uv
CHRO Kids Court: https://5il.co/392yv
Kids Court Schedule: https://5il.co/392yy
Master Your Money Workshop- 03/18 at 6:00 pm https://5il.co/3930f
Link to Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGyeYswLXcQJhDl_M6wrBJnOyYy5LnQiXIaC9J-DkcFLQsfw/viewform

We invite all Metacomet Families to our February Community Forum on Friday, February 28, 2025 starting at 2:00 pm in our Metacomet gym. I hope to see you there.

Metacomet will be hosting our third Family Literacy Night. on Thursday, February 27 from 5:30-7:00 pm. Dinner will be provided. This years' theme is: CONNECT, CREATE, CELEBRATE COMMUNITY. Our third book selection will be: "Strictly No Elephants". Families will make an elephant stick puppet .

There are so many great events approaching. First up, the Bloomfield Public Library is partnering with Bloomfield Public Schools for Literacy Week, March 3-7! The Community Literacy Event is scheduled on Friday, 03/07 at 6 pm, Human Services Bldg, 330 Park Ave. Registration is required and the deadline to register is March 3rd.
Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclzgWhkkbopQ9pmkTLPi3IOAuigwO-2C1Z2-4giUrwvIz_oA/viewform
Events Calendar: https://bplct.librarycalendar.com/events/month

Get ready to party with pages! Join us for our fabulous literacy spirit week! On Monday, March 3, our sensational Bloomfield High School students will swoop in to share stories and read aloud to our adorable little bookworms. Let the reading festivities begin!

It was a busy weekend for Bloomfield Warhawks Athletics.
Girls Indoor Track & Field won the State Open, claiming their 4th State Open title, and completing a Perfect Season (Conference Champions, Class S Champions (15th in a row), and State Open Champions). A State Open victory means they are the best girls track team in the state regardless of size which is remarkable given we are the smallest school in our conference and one of the smallest in the state.
Wrestler, Dorian Pollard finished 5th in the State in the Championship on Saturday and qualified for the State Open next weekend.
The Boys Basketball team fell to Northwest Catholic in the quarterfinals of the Central Connecticut Conference Championship. Two of our student athletes, Cayden Smith and Jeffery Acoff, were recognized as All Conference Athletes. They begin the Tier II State Championship next Monday at home.

Check out this week’s Parent Newsletter on behalf of Mr. Guzzo and the lunch menu for March.
Newsletter: https://5il.co/38k04
Menu: https://5il.co/38k06

Help support the District Climate Committee and the Simon Foundation, a local cat and dog shelter, as they are collecting donations.
Donated items can be dropped off at your child's school through Friday, February 28.

Metacomet will be hosting four Family Literacy Nights in February. Our second book night will be on Thursday, February 20 from 5:30-7:00 pm. Dinner will be provided. This years' theme is: CONNECT, CREATE, CELEBRATE COMMUNITY. The book selection will be: "Hey Wall". Families will make a mini wall mural.